Issue |
Volume 390, Number 1, July IV 2002
Page(s) | 235 - 251 | |
Section | Stellar structure and evolution | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 July 2002 |
O/Fe in metal-poor main sequence and subgiant stars*
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild Str. 2, 85748 Garching b. München, Germany e-mail:
Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Box 515, 75120, Sweden
Present address: Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia e-mail:
Department of Astronomy, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712–1083, USA e-mail:
Corresponding author: P. E. Nissen,
A study of the O/Fe ratio in metal-poor main
sequence and subgiant stars is presented using the 6300 Å line,
the 7774 Å triplet,
and a selection of weak
lines observed on high-resolution
spectra acquired with the VLT UVES spectrograph. The line
is detected in the spectra of 18 stars with
and the triplet is observed for 15 stars with ranging from -1.0
to -2.7. The abundance analysis was made first using
standard model atmospheres taking into account non-LTE effects on
the triplet: the line and the triplet give consistent results with
[O/Fe] increasing quasi-linearly
with decreasing [Fe/H] reaching [O/Fe]
+0.7 at [Fe/H] = -2.5.
This trend is in reasonable agreement with other results for [O/Fe]
in metal-poor dwarfs obtained using standard atmospheres and
both ultraviolet and infrared OH lines. There is also
broad agreement with published results for [O/Fe] for giants
obtained using standard model atmospheres and the
line, and the OH infrared lines, but the
give higher [O/Fe] values which may, however, fall into place when non-LTE
effects are considered.
When hydrodynamical model atmospheres representing stellar
granulation in dwarf and subgiant stars replace standard models, the [O/Fe] from
the and
lines is decreased
by an amount which increases with decreasing [Fe/H].
These 3D effects on [O/Fe] is compounded by the opposite behaviour of the
(continuous opacity effect) and
lines (excitation effect).
The [O/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] relation remains quasi-linear extending
to [O/Fe]
+0.5 at [Fe/H] = -2.5,
but with a tendency of a plateau with [O/Fe]
+0.3 for
, and a hint of cosmic scatter in [O/Fe] at
Use of the hydrodynamical models disturbs the broad agreement between
the oxygen abundances from the ,
and OH lines, but 3D non-LTE
effects may serve to erase these differences. The [O/Fe] values
from the line and the hydrodynamical model atmospheres for
dwarfs and subgiant stars are lower
than the values for giants using standard model atmospheres and the
Key words: stars: abundances / stars: atmospheres / stars: fundamental parameters / Galaxy: evolution
© ESO, 2002
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