Issue |
Volume 386, Number 2, May I 2002
Page(s) | 548 - 557 | |
Section | Interstellar and circumstellar matter | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 May 2002 |
Spectroscopic observations of the short-period, RS CVn-type star SV Cam*
Department of Physics, Shoumen University, 9700 Shoumen, Bulgaria and Isaac Newton Institute of Chile, Bulgarian Branch e-mail:; e-mail:
Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30-244 Cracow, Poland
Mt. Suhora Observatory of the Pedagogical University, ul. Podchorazych 2, 30-094 Cracow, Poland
Corresponding author: S. Zola,
Spectroscopic observations of the eclipsing,
short-period RS CVn-star SV Cam in the range Å,
covering the whole orbital period are presented. The absorption
profiles of the lines Hα and FeI 6678 are doubled out of
the eclipses. The relative contribution of the secondary star is
stronger in the FeI 6678 line than in Hα.
We determined km s-1 and
km s-1 by measurements of the Doppler shifts of these lines.
The resulting masses of the components are:
. From the radial velocity
solution and photometrically obtained relative stellar radii we determined
the absolute radii of the components:
. The equatorial velocities
km s-1 and
km s-1 corresponding
to the measured rotational broadenings of the investigated lines
coincide with the velocities calculated from the obtained stellar radii.
The phase
behavior of both Hα and FeI 6678 profiles of the primary
star shows the presence of two cool spots with maximum
visibilities at phases 0.27 and 0.86.
The analysis of the two lines in the middle of
the primary eclipse allows us to illustrate the excess
of the Hα emission of the secondary star.
The parameters of the stellar components of SV Cam derived from
our spectroscopy and photometry are in very good agreement. The
final result of our investigation is that there are three
sources of activity in SV Cam: local active regions (photospheric
spots) on its primary component, enhanced chromospheric emission
from the secondary star and some additional emission originating
from circumstellar gas.
Key words: stars: activity / binaries: eclipsing / binaries: spectroscopic / stars: chromospheres / stars: individual: SV Cam / stars: starspots
© ESO, 2002
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