Issue |
Volume 376, Number 2, September II 2001
Page(s) | 713 - 726 | |
Section | Astronomical instrumentation | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 September 2001 |
Magnetoconvection and dynamo coefficients:
Dependence of the α effect on rotation and magnetic field
Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Schöneckstraße 6, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
Department of Mathematics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
Nordita, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Corresponding author: M. Stix,
We present numerical simulations of three-dimensional compressible magnetoconvection
in a rotating rectangular box that represents a section of the solar convection zone.
The box contains a convectively unstable layer, surrounded by stably
stratified layers with overshooting convection. The magnetic Reynolds number,
Rm, is chosen subcritical, thus excluding spontaneous growth of the magnetic
field through dynamo action, and the magnetic energy is maintained by
introducing a constant magnetic field into the box, once convection has attained
a statistically stationary state. Under the influence of the Coriolis force,
the advection of the magnetic field results in
a non-vanishing contribution to the mean electric
field, given by . From this electric field, we calculate
the α-effect, separately for the stably and the unstably stratified
layers, by averaging over time and over suitably defined volumes. From the
variation of α we derive an error estimate, and the dependence of
α on rotation and magnetic field strength is studied. Evidence is
found for rotational quenching of the vertical
α effect, and
for a monotonic increase of the horizontal
α effect with
increasing rotation. For
, our results for both
vertical and horizontal α effect are consistent with magnetic
quenching by a factor
. The signs
of the small-scale current helicity and of the vertical component of
α are found to be opposite to those for isotropic turbulence.
Key words: convection / magnetic fields
© ESO, 2001
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