Issue |
Volume 372, Number 2, June III 2001
Page(s) | 438 - 455 | |
Section | Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies) | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 June 2001 |
Host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts: Spectral energy distributions and internal extinction
Special Astrophysical Observatory of R.A.S., Karachai-Cherkessia, Nizhnij Arkhyz, 369167 Russia
Isaac Newton Institute of Chile, SAO Branch
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), PO Box 03004, 18080 Granada, Spain
Laboratorio de Astrofísica Espacial y Física Fundamental (LAEFF-INTA), PO Box 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain
Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
Institute of Physics, Rostov University, Stachki 194, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia
Corresponding author: V. V. Sokolov,
We present broad-band flux spectra for the host galaxies of GRB 970508, GRB 980613, GRB 980703, GRB 990123 and GRB 991208 obtained with the 6-m telescope of SAO RAS. The comparison of the broad-band flux spectra of these host galaxies with the template spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of local starburst galaxies of different morphological types shows that the of the hosts are best fitted by the spectral properties of template SEDs of starburst galaxies and that there is a significant internal extinction in these host galaxies. We derived the absolute magnitudes of the GRB host galaxies making use of SEDs for the starburst galaxies. To create theoretical templates we performed the population synthesis modeling of the continuum spectral energy distribution of the host galaxies of GRB 970508 and GRB 980703 using different extinction laws (Cardelli et al. [CITE] and Calzetti et al. [CITE]) and assuming burst and exponential scenarios of star formation. The comparison of broad-band flux spectra with the local starburst galaxies templates and theoretical templates as well as direct estimates (using Balmer emission lines) of the internal extinction shows that it is likely to be of great importance to take into account effects of the internal extinction in the host galaxies. From the energy distribution in the spectrum of the host galaxy of GRB 991208 and from the intensity of their spectral lines (with allowance for the effects of internal extinction) it follows that this is a GRB galaxy with the highest massive star-formation rate of all known GRB galaxies -up to hundreds of solar masses per year. The reduced luminosity of these dusty galaxies (e.g. for the host of GRB 970508 mag, for the host of GRB 980703 mag and for the host of GRB 991208 mag) could explain the observational fact (it results independently from our photometry and from calculated spectral distribution for the subset of galaxies having been observed with the 6-m telescope): none of the observed GRB host galaxies with known distances is brighter than the local galaxies with the luminosity (where is the "knee" of the local luminosity function).
Key words: galaxies: starburst / galaxies: photometry / cosmology: observations / gamma rays: bursts / ISM: dust, extintion
© ESO, 2001
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