Issue |
Volume 369, Number 3, April III 2001
Page(s) | 862 - 870 | |
Section | Galactic structure, stellar clusters, and populations | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 April 2001 |
Variable stars in the globular cluster M 92
Wrocław University Observatory, Kopernika 11, 51-622 Wrocław, Poland
Corresponding author: G. Kopacki,
Results of a search for variable stars in the
central region of the Oosterhoff II type
globular cluster M 92 are presented.
Out of the 28 variable and suspected variable stars listed in the
Catalogue of Variable Stars in Globular Clusters
(Clement [CITE]) only two were not observed.
Surprisingly, almost half of the observed
suspected variables
did not show any evidence of variability.
Only one out of the 11 candidate RR Lyrae variables
of Kadla et al. ([CITE])
appeared to be variable.
Moreover, variable v7, until now classified
as an RR Lyrae star with a period of about 0.515 d,
turned out to be of the BL Herculis type,
with the period approximately twice that long.
In addition, six new variables
were found in the very core of the cluster:
four of the RR Lyrae and the remaining two of the SX Phoenicis type.
RRc variable v11 shows changes in the light curve
shape. Due to the aliasing problems, however, we
can state only that this star is biperiodic.
There is a possibility that v11 belongs
to the new group of recently discovered double-period
RRc variables pulsating in non-radial mode.
Altogether, light curves were obtained
for 20 variable stars.
The total number of known RR Lyrae stars in M 92 equals
now 17, 11 of type RRab and the remaining 6, RRc.
The mean period of RRab variables amounts
to d,
while the average period for RRc variables
is equal to
Mean V magnitudes, mean
colours, and ranges of
variations were derived for 12 RR Lyrae stars
and the BL Herculis variable.
Period-shift analysis for M 92 and M 2 resulted
in finding that despite significant difference in
metal abundance between these
two clusters ([Fe/H] = -2.24 for M 92 and -1.62 for M 2),
there is no firm evidence for a shift in period.
Key words: stars: population II / stars: variables: RR Lyr / stars: variables: Cepheids / globular clusters: individual: M 92
© ESO, 2001
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