Issue |
Volume 369, Number 3, April III 2001
Page(s) | 882 - 888 | |
Section | Interstellar and circumstellar matter | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 April 2001 |
Solar-type cycles of the secondary stars in cataclysmic variables
University of Istanbul, Faculty of Science, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 34452, University, Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul University Observatory Research and Application Center, 34452, University, Istanbul, Turkey
American Association of Variable Star Observers, 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA e-mail:
Corresponding author: T. Ak,
We found cyclical variations in the quiescent magnitudes
and outburst intervals of 21 dwarf novae, 1 nova and 1 nova-like star produced by the solar-type cycles of the
late-type secondary components. More than 70% of
individual systems in this work are first studied by
Fourier periodogram analysis. It seems that the mean
cycle amplitudes of the quiescent magnitudes are
considerably larger for SU UMa stars. Cyclical modulations
of quiescent magnitudes found for the stars, which have
orbital periods below the period gap, support the
hypothesis that even almost fully convective secondaries
may possess activity cycles. The estimated probability
density functions show peaks at 9.7, 7.9 and 8.6 yrs for
cataclysmic variables (CVs), single main-sequence stars
(MS) and all stars (CVs+MS), respectively. Using a larger
set of data, we confirm that there is no correlation
of the cycle period with the rotational regime of the
secondary star. It is also confirmed that cycle periods
of CVs are in the range of those of single main-sequence
stars. We note that the observational cycle parameters
(i.e. cycle period, Pcyc, and cycle amplitude of
quiescent magnitudes, ) do not seem in relation
with any other parameter such as masses of primary and
secondary stars, mean outburst interval, mean outburst
duration, mean decline and rise rate of outbursts,
absolute magnitudes in quiescent and outburst states etc.
Key words: stars: cataclysmic variables / stars: activity
© ESO, 2001
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