Using the Sun to estimate Earth-like planets detection capabilities. III (A.-M. Lagrange et al.)

Vol. 528
In section 1. Letters

Using the Sun to estimate Earth-like planets detection capabilities. III. Impact of spots and plages on astrometric detection

by A.-M. Lagrange, N. Meunier, M. Desort, and F. Malbet, A&A 528, L9

In the past several, groups have applied astrometric methods to search for extrasolar planets, but all the claims remain controversial. Improved ground- and space-based instruments have the potential to change this. The authors of this paper investigate the limitations on astrometric detections resulting from stellar activity, using the Sun as a template. This work shows that stellar activity would not prevent the detection of an Earth-Sun system even if the level of activity is increased fivefold over the Sun today.