Whistler instability driven by the sunward electron deficit in the solar wind - High-cadence Solar Orbiter observations
L. Berčič, D. Verscharen, C. J. Owen, L. Colomban, M. Kretzschmar, T. Chust, M. Maksimovic, D. O. Kataria, C. Anekallu, E. Behar, M. Berthomier, R. Bruno, V. Fortunato, C. W. Kelly, Y. V. Khotyaintsev, G. R. Lewis, S. Livi, P. Louarn, G. Mele, G. Nicolaou, G. Watson and R. T. Wicks
A&A, 656 (2021) A31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140970