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A formation pathway for terrestrial planets with moderate water content involving atmospheric-volatile recycling

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A Thermodynamic Criterion for the Formation of Circumplanetary Disks

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Interpreting the Atmospheric Composition of Exoplanets: Sensitivity to Planet Formation Assumptions

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Comparison of Planetary Hα-emission Models: A New Correlation with Accretion Luminosity

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The Three-dimensional Flow Field around Planets on Eccentric Orbits

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The steady-state hydrodynamics of a long-lived disc: planetary system architecture and prospects of observing a circumplanetary disc shadow in V4046 Sgr

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Influence of grain size and composition on the contraction rates of planetary envelopes and on planetary migration

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A Two-moment Radiation Hydrodynamics Scheme Applicable to Simulations of Planet Formation in Circumstellar Disks

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Global 3D radiation hydrodynamic simulations of proto-Jupiter’s convective envelope

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The eccentricity distribution of giant planets and their relation to super-Earths in the pebble accretion scenario

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Influence of planetary gas accretion on the shape and depth of gaps in protoplanetary discs

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Delivery of Pebbles from the Protoplanetary Disk into Circumplanetary Disks

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On the structure and mass delivery towards circumplanetary discs

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