Open Access

Table 5

Estimated inner disk dust mass.

Target Band Beam size Rid (au) Mdust (M)
GG Tau Band 7 0.″195 × 0.″135 <30 ~1.00
HD 100546 Band 6 0.″025 × 0.″017 <1.9 ~0.024
HD 142527 Band 7 0.″139 × 0..″120 <18.8 ~0.096
AB Aur Band 6 0.″040 × 0.″022 <6.5 ~0.022
HD100453 Band 7 0.″035 × 0.″031 <3.6 ~0.011
WSB60 Band 6 0.″048 × 0.″030 <4.1 ~1.37
HD 169142 Band 6 0.″072 × 0.″043 <4.9 ~0.0076
HD 135344B Band 6 0.″245 × 0.″180 <24.5 ~0.013
MWC758 Band 7 0.″040 × 0.″031 <5.0 ~0.0042
SR24S Band 6 0.″043 × 0.″035 <4.0 ~0.022
TCha Band 3 0.″296 × 0.″170 <18.7 ~0.15

Notes. Columns show the target name, the band which flux has been used for the mass estimate, and the estimated inner disk dust mass in Earth mass. The dust masses here reported are highly uncertain. See the text for a more complete discussion.

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