Open Access

Table B.1

List of collisional data with electrons.

Target Levels T(K) Ref Year

CH+ r8 100-15000 Lim et al. (1999) 1999
v3 100-20000 Sarpal & Tennyson (1993) 1993
o/p-H2+ r2 100-10000 Faure & Tennyson (2001) 2001
o/p-H3+ r2/r4 100-10000 Faure & Tennyson (2003) 2003
o/p-H3O+ r4/r8 100-10000 Faure & Tennyson (2003) 2003
HeH+ r3 100-20000 Rabadan et al. (1998) 1998
HeH+ v3 100-20000 Rabadan et al. (1998) 1998
CO+ r5 100-10000 Faure & Tennyson (2001) 2001
HCO+ r3 100-10000 Faure & Tennyson (2001) 2001
NO+ r5 100-10000 Faure & Tennyson (2001) 2001
o/p-H2O r18 100-8000 Faure et al. (2004) 2004
o/p-D2O r18 100-8000 Faure et al. (2004) 2004
o-H2O rv411 200 - 5000 Faure & Josselin (2008) 2008
p-H2O rv413 200 - 5000 Faure & Josselin (2008) 2008
HDO r36 (a-type) 100-8000 Faure et al. (2004) 2004
HDO r36 (b-type) 100-8000 Faure et al. (2004) 2004
HCN r9 5-2000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
HCN h10 10-100-1000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
HNC r9 5-2000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
HNC h10 10-1000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
DCN r9 5-2000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
DCN 10-100-1000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
DNC r9 5-2000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
DNC h10 10-100-1000 Faure et al. (2007b) 2007
SiO r41 5-5000 Varambhia et al. (2009) 2009

Notes. This list of datasets has not changed since 2012 (see text).

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