Fig. 8.


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Coronal model results combined with the shock reconstruction and radio emission locations from two perspectives: Earth (left) and SolO (right). Panels a and b: Photospheric magnetogram overlaid with MAST open (black) and closed magnetic field lines (orange), the shock reconstruction at 11:25 UT observation time at Earth (magenta wiremesh) and centroids of type II and herringbone radio sources (coloured spheres). The red open field lines are example of field lines connecting to STEREO-A. Panels c and d: Photospheric magnetogram overlaid with the same features as in panels a–b, except that the shock reconstruction is overlaid with values of θBN. Panels e and f: Density isosurface overlaid with values of Alfvén speed (vA) obtained from the MAST model. Overlaid on the isosurface: open (black) and closed magnetic field lines (orange), the shock reconstruction at 11:25 UT (magenta wiremesh), and centroids of type II and herringbone radio sources (coloured spheres). The grey areas represent a sphere surface at 1.2 R to give a visual indication of the height of the density isosurface. Panels g and h: Density isosurface overlaid with values of the fast magnetosonic speed (vFMS) obtained from the MAST model. Overlaid on the isosurface are the same features as in panels e–f. For different viewpoints, please see the HTML file accompanying this paper.

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