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Fig. 8.


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Local RLF for FRIs and FRIIs from this paper are plotted in blue and red, respectively. For comparison and to validate that our FRI and FRII space densities do not extend above the total RLAGN population, we added the total local RLAGN RLF from Kondapally et al. (2022) beyond L150 ∼ 1024 W Hz−1 (in green). This total RLAGN RLF is constructed based on sources from the LoTSS-Deep Fields DR1. To demonstrate that our results agree with previous work, we also added the FRI and FRII RLF from Gendre et al. (2013) in black and orange, respectively. These points are based on the CoNFIG catalogue (Gendre & Wall 2008; Gendre et al. 2010), where we converted the luminosity bins to 150 MHz by using a spectral index of α = 0.7. The 1σ bars from our RLFs are including zmax errors, Poisson errors, completeness corrections errors, and classification errors. All our data points are given in Table 2.

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