Fig. 3.
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Examples of FRI sources after redshift increments by applying the redshifting algorithm. All unassociated emission is masked out (in this case below 4σ). Each columns displays the source from the same row at different redshifts. The last row is a wide-angle tail FRI source (Owen & Rudnick 1976), where after redshift increments, the source appears to resemble an FRII source. The optical host location is in every image given by the green cross. (a) FRI at z = 0.48, (b) FRI at z = 0.93, (c) FRI at z = 1.38, (d) FRI at z = 0.19, (e) FRI at z = 0.39, (f) FRI at z = 0.59, (g) FRI at z = 0.29, (h) FRI at z = 0.69, (i) FRI at z = 1.19.
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