Open Access

Table 2.

Properties of the X-ray broad emission lines.

Line λ0 FWHM Flux
(Å) (km s−1) (10−14 erg s−1 cm−2)
Ne X 12.14 5 ± 2
Ne IX 13.45 6 ± 1
O VIII 18.97 2 ± 1
O VII 21.60 17 000 ± 3000 17 ± 3
N VII 24.78 < 19 000 7 ± 2
N VI 29.53 < 15 000
C VI 33.74 < 19 000 19 ± 3

Notes. The flux given in the last column is the line flux corrected for absorption, measured at Earth’s distance (154 Mpc).

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