Open Access

Table 5

Summary of the strongest periods found in the different periodograms.

Star Pmax RV FWHM BIS Hα06 Hα16 Phot RV FWHM BIS Hα06 Hα16
NGC 368ONo. 41 1128
NGC 2345No. 50 1463 1007 957 1409 962 1113 1239 561 586 545
NGC 3532No. 670 447 842 811 889 412 625 619 574

IC4651No. 9122 995 744 985 384 364/393
NGC 2423No. 3 407 697 697 417 435 380 393
NGC 4349No. 127 399 674 675 342/428

Notes. First set of columns: Maximum stellar rotational period and periods of the most significant peak(s) in each GLS periodogram that match the most significant RV period. We highlight in blue the periods that are compatible with the estimated stellar rotation period. Second set of columns: For the stars with a possible two-Keplerian fit, we list the periods of the periodogram peaks that match the period of the hypothetical second companion in the system. The periodogram peaks that lie above the 1 % FAP level are marked in boldface.

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