Open Access

Table 4

Pearson’s ρ (P) and Spearman rank (S) correlation coefficients, together with their respective p-values, for the correlations between RV and different activity indicators of only the HARPS data.

FWHM BIS Hα06 Hα16

Star P p S p P p S p P p S p P p S p
NGC 368ONo.4l 0.26 0.287 0.32 0.185 0.48 0.039 0.54 0.019 0.12 0.638 0.06 0.797 0.13 0.602 0.06 0.797
NGC 2345No.50 0.72 7·10−5 0.76 1·105 0.51 0.011 0.46 0.022 0.76 1·105 0.76 1·105 0.85 9·108 0.76 1·105
NGC 3532No.670 0.21 0.284 0.17 0.358 0.42 0.022 0.37 0.044 0.45 0.013 0.44 0.016 0.74 4·10−6 0.75 2·106

IC4651No.9122 0.00 0.984 −0.06 0.570 0.28 0.013 0.34 0.003 0.20 0.084 0.13 0.251 0.21 0.071 0.27 0.017
NGC 2423No.3 0.20 0.117 0.17 0.180 0.61 2·107 0.54 7·106 0.12 0.366 0.16 0.216 0.22 0.087 0.22 0.091
NGC 4349No.127 −0.17 0.191 −0.17 0.192 0.08 0.514 0.145 0.280 0.13 0.331 0.15 0.248 0.40 0.002 0.35 0.006

Notes. We mark in boldface the strong correlations (those that have a coefficient with an absolute value of higher than 0.5) and the significant correlations, even if weak (those with a p-value below 10−2).

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