Open Access

Table B.1

Fitting results of and CH3CHO.


N N Tex FWHM υlsr N Tex FWHM υlsr
Source Name cm−2 (cm−2) (K) (km s−1) (km s−1) (cm−2) (K) (km s−1) (km s−1)
G19.01-0.03 (c1)c (3.6±1.1)×1018 (1.2±0.3)×1016 [180]d 3.0 63.0
G19.01-0.03 (c2)c (4.4±1.3)×1018 (1.3±0.3)×1016 (8.0±3.0)×1015 [150] 3.2 58.5
G19.88-0.53 [180] 2.7 46.2 (4.0±1.5)×1015 100±30 3.0 46.4
G22.04+0.22 (1.3±0.4)×1019 (4.0±1.0)×1016 [130] 4.5 53.5 (4.5±1.0)×1016 180±20 4.5 52.5
G23.21-0.37 (2.6±0.7)×1019 (9.0±2.0)×1016 [170] 3.0 76.8 (4.0±0.6)×1016 150±30 3.5 77.0
G34.30+0.20 (c1) (9.6±2.8)×1018 (2.2±0.5)×1016 [140] 3.5 56.5 (1.3±0.3)×1016 130±20 3.5 56.3
G34.41+0.24 (c1) (7.9±2.3)×1018 (1.8±0.4)×1016 [160] 3.5 60.0 (1.2±0.3)×1016 140±20 3.0 60.0
G34.41+0.24 (c2) (9.0±2.0)×1015 [160] 3.0 56.8
G35.03+0.35 (1.8±0.7)×1018 (4.5±1.5)×1015 [150] 2.5 44.8 (2.5±1.0)×1015 110±30 4.0 44.8
G35.20-0.74N (c1) (8.2±2.5)×1018 (2.0±0.5)×1016 [140] 3.5 31.0 (5.0±1.0)×1015 100±20 3.0 31.0
G35.20-0.74N (c2) (1.8±0.5)×1015 100±20 1.7 33.5
G345.5+1.5 (1.4±0.3)×1018 (3.2±0.5)×1015 120±30 2.0 −15.8 (6.0±2.0)×1014 [120] 2.0 −16.3
IRAS 18151-1208 (5.3±2.0)×1017 (1.5±0.5)×1015 [180] 2.0 35.0 (9.0±2.0)×1014 150±30 2.0 35.0
IRAS 16547-4247 (2.1±0.8)×1018 (6.0±2.0)×1015 [200] 2.2 −35.5 (2.0±0.4)×1016 150±30 3.0 −35.5
NGC 6334-38 (4.9±1.5)×1018 (1.2±0.3)×1016 [120] 2.7 −5.0 (1.8±0.5)×1015 100±30 2.8 −5.1
NGC 6334-43 (5.4±1.6)×1018 (1.3±0.3)×1016 [160] 3.2 0.8 (2.3±0.5)×1015 100±50 3.0 1.0
NGC 6334 I(N)-SM2 (3.9±1.1)×1018 (9.0±2.0)×1015 [150] 3.0 −3.0 (2.8±1.0)×1015 80±30 3.0 −2.5

aThe column density of the major isotopologue of methanol was inferred from the minor isotopologue and the isotopic ratio between 16O and 18O.

bThe spectroscopic databases used in the fitting.

cComponent 1 and 2 (some sources exhibit two components in their spectra); see Fig. A.3 for an example.

dThe Tex in square brackets means that it was fixed to that value during the fitting. In this case, the uncertainties of N were determined only for this particular Tex.

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