Table 1.

Properties of the 9 April 2022 solar particle event.

Ions t0 Δt0 [MM:SS] s [au] Δs [au] ndet α at 18:00
Sun, p 11:14:29 05:50 2.103 0.03 12 67
Sun, 4He 11:35:02 14:32 1.986 0.075 12 67
North, p1 11:45:16 02:58 1.374 0.011 16 29
North, p2 12:06:53 05:16 1.678 0.021 11 29
North, 4He 11:31:38 04:14 1.523 0.022 9 29
North 3He 11:40:59 05:08 1.675 0.03 12 29

Electrons α at 12:00

North, e1 11:25:14 00:33 1.231 0.038 9 25
North, e2 11:34:29 00:28 1.456 0.028 9 25

Notes. Times are given in UT. See the main text for a discussion. Individual columns are: t0 inferred solar release times, s path lengths, α central pitch angle of the Sun and north telescopes at 18:00 and 12:00. Results for ions are shown in the upper half, results for electrons in the lower half.

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