Table 1.

Summary of the 15 EUV brightenings.

Region Event Type Mg II Si IV Co-spatial Spectra Feature TSTART(UT) TEND(UT) Bi-pole
A 1 Point No No 00:22:28 00:26:32 No
B 1 Point No No 00:08:14 00:12:18 Yes
B 2 Point No No 00:22:49 00:29:35 No
C 1 Point No No 00:27:03 00:29:45 No
D 1 Extended No Yes Yes 00:12:08 00:15:31 No
D 2 Extended No Yes Yes 00:20:16 00:23:39 No
D 3 Extended No Yes Yes 00:25:31 00:27:33 No
E 1 Extended No Yes No 00:09:05 00:12:29 No
E 2 Extended Yes Yes Yes 00:15:21 00:18:45 No
F 1 Complex Yes Yes 00:04:20 00:08:24 Yes
F 2 Extended Yes Yes Yes 00:14:20 00:16:22 Yes
F 3 Complex Yes Yes 00:16:22 00:22:28 Yes
F 4 Extended Yes Yes Yes Yes EE 00:23:39 00:29:45 No
G 1 Complex Yes Yes 00:04:20 00:07:44 Yes
G 2 Complex Yes Yes 00:12:49 00:18:55 Yes

Notes. General information about the 15 EUV brightenings studied here, including the region in which they were identified; their label within that region; the type of EUV brightening; whether there was a response in the IRIS Mg II SJI data; whether there was a response in the IRIS Si IV SJI data; whether this response was co-spatial to the EUV brightening; whether IRIS spectra were available for the event; the type of spectra returned; the start of the temporal region of interest around the event; the end of the temporal region of interest around the event; and whether a (tentative) bi-pole was apparent in SDO/HMI data.

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