Fig. 1.


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Context image for the quiet-Sun region. In the left panel, we plot a zoom-in of the HRIEUV FOV observed at 00:04:21 UT on 8 March 2022. The larger red overlaid box outlines the IRIS FOV plotted in the right panels, whilst the smaller, labelled red boxes (corresponding to approximately 19.1 Mm × 19.1 Mm) outline the sub-FOVs that contained the EUV brightening activity. In the right panels, we plot the IRIS FOV as sampled by SDO/HMI line-of-sight magnetograms (top left), the IRIS Mg II 279.6 nm filter (top right), the IRIS Si IV 140 nm filter (bottom left), and the SDO/AIA 17.1 nm filter (bottom right). The cyan contours indicate the locations of EUV brightenings identified in the plotted HRIEUV frame.

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