Open Access

Table 2.

Superbubble properties ordered by RA derived using CO.

Bubble Galaxy RA Dec Radius Vexp Dynamical Shell mass Kinetic Cluster mass, Notes
ID (deg) (deg) (pc) (km s−1) age (Myr) (M) energy (erg) Mcl (M)
1 NGC 0628 24° 09′10.4 15° 46′33.3″ 105 10.5 2.4 15.32 × 107 16.00 × 1051 20.73 × 104 Arm
13 NGC 1087 41° 36′33.3″ −0° 29′25.1″ 105 14.5 1.8 16.27 × 107 23.47 × 1051 41.97 × 104 None
16 NGC 1300 49° 53′53.9″ −19° 24′17.1″ 149 10.7 3.4 27.74 × 107 29.40 × 1051 27.33 × 104 Arm and inter-arm
18 NGC 1365 53° 25′51.7″ −36° 08′49.6″ 144 25.5 1.4 111.61 × 107 283.18 × 1051 649.88 × 104 Arm
22 NGC 1385 54° 22′25.5″ −24° 29′50.8″ 167 9.8 4.2 60.66 × 107 59.15 × 1051 45.07 × 104 Inter-arm
23 NGC 1433 55° 28′25.4″ −47° 13′7.1″ 131 7.9 4.0 2.33 × 107 1.83 × 1051 1.43 × 104 None
25 NGC 1512 60° 57′40.7″ −43° 21′51.3″ 188 8.5 5.4 4.79 × 107 4.05 × 1051 2.38 × 104 Bar and inter-arm
28 NGC 1566 64° 59′4.8″ −54° 57′0.7″ 88 6.9 3.1 1.75 × 107 1.20 × 1051 1.22 × 104 Inter
40 NGC 1627 71° 23′19.6″ −59° 15′5.2″ 171 11.0 3.8 18.39 × 107 20.13 × 1051 16.80 × 104 Inter-arm
43 NGC 2835 139° 27′24.3″ −22° 20′32.1″ 60 5.6 2.6 0.73 × 107 0.41 × 1051 0.50 × 104 Arm and inter-arm
45 NGC 3351 161° 00′9.4″ 11° 42′35.2″ 50 6.3 2.0 0.42 × 107 0.27 × 1051 0.43 × 104 Disc
47 NGC 3627 170° 02′56.2″ 12° 58′41.5″ 100 15.0 1.6 29.49 × 107 44.01 × 1051 85.25 × 104 Arm
57 NGC 4252 184° 41′26.6″ 14° 24′7.6″ 167 11.8 3.4 27.50 × 107 32.29 × 1051 29.63 × 104 Arm
70 NGC 4303 185° 27′29.5″ 4° 28′46.0″ 141 8.5 4.0 17.04 × 107 14.42 × 1051 11.30 × 104 Arm
79 NGC 4321 185° 44′29.6″ 15° 49′48.9″ 116 11.9 2.4 3.14 × 107 3.72 × 1051 4.95 × 104 Arm
81 NGC 4535 188° 34′16.6″ 8° 12′32.0″ 299 22.0 3.3 130.99 × 107 286.73 × 1051 273.65 × 104 Arm
82 NGC 5068 199° 42′30.1″ −21° 02′17.9″ 51 9.0 1.4 2.23 × 107 1.99 × 1051 4.58 × 104 None
85 NGC 7496 347° 26′6.3″ −43° 25′25.4″ 136 6.9 4.8 2.36 × 107 1.62 × 1051 1.06 × 104 Disc and none

Notes. The final column contains the environmental location of the bubbles (Querejeta et al. 2021). Only the first superbubble from each galaxy is listed.

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