Open Access

Table 3.

Physical parameters of the 240 bona fide PMS stars.

ID RA Dec I V Hα Teff [K] Lbol [L] R* [R] M* [M] t [Myr] δt [Myr] LHα [L] log acc [M yr−1]
11 0:53:24.1842 −72:13:51.023 24.50 25.80 22.35 4452 1.5E−01 0.84 0.61 44.8 6.7 2.8E−03 −8.1
30 0:53:26.4401 −72:13:47.560 24.10 24.91 22.44 5559 3.4E−01 0.65 0.76 47.8 9.4 2.4E−03 −8.4
52 0:53:29.2780 −72:13:44.602 25.14 26.31 22.22 4674 9.4E−02 0.56 0.57 54.6 9.4 3.4E−03 −8.1
137 0:53:29.2305 −72:13:38.996 24.09 24.94 22.44 5418 3.3E−01 0.68 0.75 49.7 9.4 2.4E−03 −8.3
167 0:53:34.0782 −72:13:37.190 24.70 25.67 22.34 5079 1.7E−01 0.58 0.66 57.3 9.4 2.9E−03 −8.3
214 0:53:33.6330 −72:13:34.866 23.18 23.86 22.25 6018 9.0E−01 0.88 0.92 27.9 4.7 2.1E−03 −8.4
254 0:53:32.9969 −72:13:32.793 24.80 25.61 22.39 5542 1.8E−01 0.47 0.68 53.8 9.4 2.8E−03 −8.4
264 0:53:39.4584 −72:13:32.364 23.32 24.09 22.23 5694 7.3E−01 0.90 0.85 26.4 4.7 2.3E−03 −8.3
273 0:53:30.8870 −72:13:31.992 23.02 23.59 22.17 6525 1.2E+00 0.84 1.00 36.3 6.7 2.2E−03 −8.4
335 0:53:37.0380 −72:13:29.779 23.11 23.96 22.21 5421 8.2E−01 1.07 0.91 15.7 2.4 2.1E−03 −8.3

Notes. Columns are: stellar ID, RA and Dec position in the V band frame, magnitudes in V, I, and Hα bands, effective temperature [K], bolometric luminosity [L], stellar radius [R], stellar mass [M], age [Myr], age uncertainty [Myr], Hα luminosity [L], and mass accretion rate [M yr−1]. Only the first few lines are shown; the complete catalogue is available at the CDS.

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