Fig. 1.


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Overview of observations. a. Time sequence of HRIEUV 174 Å images showing the temporal evolution of the mini-filament eruption. The light blue arrows in panels a2 and a3 show the widths of the ambient loops. b. Zoom-in of the mini-filament eruption (white box in panel a1) overlaid with the contours (±40 G) of the HMI LOS magnetogram, with the positive (negative) in red (blue). The bright ribbons and semi-circular brightening (arrows in dark blue) are pointed out in panels b2 and b4, respectively. The arrow in purple indicates the brightening at the mini-filament footpoint. The dashed dark blue line denotes the post-eruption loops in panel b3. The purple ellipse in panel b3 highlights a plasma blob that is analyzed in detail in Fig. 4d. Row c: AIA 171 Å images showing the mini-filament eruption. Row d: AIA 304 Å, 131 Å, 211 Å images, and HMI magnetogram at the moment before the eruption. The locations of the mini-filament are indicated by the arrows in green. The green curve in panel d4 represents the basic shape of the mini-filament. An animation for the evolution of the mini-filament eruption and its zoom-in at 174 Å is available online.

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