Open Access

Table 3

Relative offsets and Pas.

Obs. Date El Ε3
Δδ(") Δα(") PA(°) Δδ(") Δα(") PA(°)
1995 Nov. 14 −0.4358 2.4981 99.9 0.0497 1.2106 87.7
1998 Sep. 17 −0.4266 2.5646 99.4 0.0808 1.2502 86.3
2019 Oct. 23 −0.5018 2.7272 100.4 0.0145 1.4457 89.4

Notes. Offsets and PAs for knots E1 and E3 calculated from the three epochs of observations. The offsets are measured relative to the source.

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