Open Access

Table 4

Results of the tests on the input spectra and their resolution.

ID KIDS σ (km s−1) UVB σ (km s−1) VIS σ (km s−1) NIR σ (km s−1) COMB σcomb−uvb (km s−1) σcomb−vis (km s−1) σcomb−nir (km s−1)
J1142+0012 112±7 147±5 173±12 129±3 17±10 −17±9 −44±16
J1026+0033 208±4 229±6 221±13 225±3 16±7 −4±9 4±16
J0909+0147 365±8 429±11 449±27 401±7 36±15 −27±18 −47±33
J1228−0153 177±5 188±6 207±7 191±3 15±8 3±9 −16±10
J1128−0153 185±5 206±6 166±9 192±4 7±10 −13±11 26±14
J1411+0233 197±5 211±6 200±9 217±3 20±9 6±9 17±12
J1436+0007 188±5 193±6 191±16 193±4 5±10 1±10 2±21
J1156−0023 166±6 182±5 239±17 177±4 11±10 −5±9 −62±21
J0920+0126 168±7 166±5 209±11 190±6 22±13 24±11 −19±17
J1114+0039 154±7 191±8 215±13 181±8 26±15 −10±15 −35±21
J2204−3112 212±8 253±9 153±12 227±7 14±16 −27±17 74±20
J0917−0123 225±11 237±7 192±19 239±6 14±16 2±13 47±24
J1040+0056 227±12 226±9 155±13 240±8 13±20 14±16 85±20
J1202+0251 169±9 175±9 176±10 165±6 −4±15 −10±15 −11±16
J0844+0148 195±9 237±9 194±9 224±6 29±15 −13±15 30±15
J0904−0018 206±10 192±9 200±15 205±6 −1±16 13±15 4±21
J1154−0016 136±7 194±8 94±9 163±4 26±12 −31±12 69±14
J2257−3306 170±6 186±9 200±18 185±6 16±13 −1±15 −15±25
J2202−3101 187±10 227±7 238±15 221±5 33±16 −7±13 −17±20
J1218+0232 168±8 191±9 170±9 171±6 3±14 −20±15 1±15
J2356−3332 148±9 181±10 151±10 162±6 14±15 −19±16 12±16

Notes. Systems are ordered from the highest to the lowest S/N. We report from left to right the ID, the velocity dispersion values computed from the single-arm spectra at their original resolution and that measured from the combined and smoothed ones (COMB), and the differences in σ between these three spectra (∆σ). We note that the uncertainties quoted in the table are just the formal errors produced by pPXF.

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