Open Access

Table 2

Spectroscopic properties of the INSPIRE DR2 sample.

ID KiDS z (±0.0005) S/N UVB S/N VIS S/N NIR S/N MEAN
J1142+0012 0.1077 57.9 124.1 69.8 83.9
J1026+0033 0.1743 38.9 113.6 68.3 73.6
J0909+0147 0.2151 20.7 75.3 45.1 47.0
J1228−0153 0.2973 23.2 70.1 40.8 44.7
J1128−0153 0.2217 21.1 69.2 37.0 42.4
J1411+0233 0.3598 24.1 73.2 26.9 41.4
J1436+0007 0.221 21.1 67.2 29.0 39.1
J1156−0023 0.2552 22.6 60.9 31.8 38.4
J0920+0126 0.3117 17.9 55.6 29.7 34.4
J1114+0039 0.3004 19.5 54.0 28.4 34.0
J2204−3112 0.2581 14.4 54.1 24.5 31.0
J0917−0123 0.3602 12.2 50.3 27.5 30.0
J1040+0056 0.2716 11.5 46.7 31.4 29.9
J1202+0251 0.3298 14.7 45.9 25.3 28.6
J0844+0148 0.2837 12.9 45.0 28.0 28.6
J0904−0018 0.2989 12.6 44.3 26.6 27.8
J1154−0016 0.3356 16.6 42.8 23.5 27.6
J2257−3306 0.2575 17.8 40.0 24.0 27.3
J2202−3101 0.3185 13.1 47.6 20.5 27.1
J1218+0232 0.308 14.6 42.0 22.7 26.4
J2356−3332 0.3389 11.5 34.2 17.7 21.1

Notes. We list from left to right the ID, the redshift computed from the combined spectra, the three estimates of the S/N (per Å) from the three arms at their original resolution, and the arithmetic mean of these three values.

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