Open Access

Table 1

INSPIRE DR2 sample.

ID KiDS RA (deg) Dec (deg) Exp.T. (s) PA (deg) magr (AB) μer (AB) Re〉 (″) Re〉 (kpc) M (1011 M) SAMPLE
J0844+0148 131.0553886 +1.8132204 11240 −37.4 19.78 18.53 0.26 1.14 0.71 S20/GAMA
J0904−0018 136.0518949 −0.3054848 5620 −96.6 19.11 18.06 0.26 1.16 1.3 S20/GAMA
J0909+0147 137.3989150 +1.7880025 5620 10.3 18.68 16.05 0.30 1.05 1.05 T18/GAMA
J0917−0123 139.2701850 −1.3887918 11240 −62.9 19.21 17.99 0.27 1.37 2.19 S20
J0920+0126 140.1291393 +1.4431610 11240 −115.6 19.52 18.82 0.33 1.51 0.98 S20/GAMA
J1026+0033 156.7231818 +0.5580979 5620 −83.1 17.39 16.98 0.34 1.02 1.48 SDSS
J1040+0056 160.2152308 +0.9407580 11240 53.4 19.52 18.85 0.31 1.29 0.93 S20
J1114+0039 168.6994335 +0.6510299 8430 34.0 19.0 17.89 0.34 1.52 1.62 S20
J1128−0153 172.0885023 −1.8890642 8430 −2.9 18.56 17.94 0.35 1.27 1.30 T18
J1142+0012 175.7023296 +0.2043419 2810 −84.8 17.02 17.90 0.71 1.40 0.84 S20/GAMA
J1154−0016 178.6922828 −0.2779248 8430 25.4 19.52 18.28 0.22 1.06 0.64 T18/GAMA
J1156−0023 179.2186145 −0.3946597 5620 15.8 18.83 17.01 0.26 1.04 1.39 T18/GAMA
J1202+0251 180.5132277 +2.8515452 8430 −70.6 19.43 18.53 0.31 1.49 0.68 S20
J1218+0232 184.7355807 +2.5449139 5620 1.8 19.23 18.72 0.31 1.40 0.93 S20
J1228−0153 187.0640987 −1.8989049 5620 −74.1 18.85 18.57 0.36 1.61 1.15 S20
J1411+0233 212.8336012 +2.5618381 8430 37.3 18.86 17.44 0.21 1.07 1.55 S20/GAMA
J1436+0007 219.0481314 +0.1217459 5620 −100.6 18.27 18.27 0.39 1.40 1.15 S20/GAMA
J2202−3101 330.5472803 −31.0183808 8430 −87.6 19.43 18.77 0.31 1.45 1.10 T18
J2204−3112 331.2228147 −31.2002605 8430 −86.1 19.32 18.74 0.35 1.39 0.90 T18
J2257−3306 344.3966471 −33.1144449 8430 3.5 19.42 17.09 0.29 1.18 0.93 T18/GAMA
J2356−3332 359.1261248 −33.5334748 11240 −46.5 19.81 18.37 0.22 1.06 0.98 T18

Notes. We list from left to right the galaxy ID and coordinates, the exposure times and the position angles (along the major axis of the galaxy) of the XSH observations, the aperture magnitudes (MAG_AUTO from the KiDS DR3 catalogue, corrected for extinction), the surface brightness luminosity averaged within the Re, both in r-band, Re in arcseconds and kiloparsec, computed as median of the quantities obtained from the g, r, i bands, and the stellar masses from the SED fitting. Finally, in the last column, we list the sample from which each object was taken. The six objects with a double reference were selected from T18 (or S20), but were then also found in the GAMA DR4.

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