Fig. 10

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M★−σ relation for the INSPIRE DR1+DR2 galaxies compared to normal-sized ETGs. Empty blue squares represent the UCMGs in DR1, and filled blue squares indicate confirmed relics. Empty red circles show the galaxies in DR2. The black line draws the median of the stellar mass-velocity dispersion relation for normal galaxies in KiDS with SDSS DR16 spectroscopy, while the shaded region highlights the 16th–84th percentile interval. Because the INSPIRE spectra are seeing dominated, the estimates of the velocity dispersion values must be considered as lower limits. The black error bar in the legend shows the mean error we retrieve from the bootstrap, and the arrows associated with the single INSPIRE objects show the estimated strength of a 7% systematic correction that takes the seeing effect into account (see Appendix A of the INSPIRE DR1).
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