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Table 2.

Programme stars and their main physical features.

Star G d Teff log g M Age Atmosphere and ref.
(pc) (K) c.g.s. (M) (Gyr)
WD 0005+395 LP 240-30 16.6 34.4 4680 6.77 0.08 1.40 DC, H ProbWD = 0.70 (1,3)
WD 0010+543 LSR J0013+5437 18.0 32.3 4123 7.77 0.46 7.08 DC, (2, H assumed)
WD 0028+035 PB 6002 16.1 27.8 6548 8.14 0.68 2.40 DC, (2, H assumed)
WD 1251+366 LP 267-311 17.2 28.5 4445 7.62 0.37 3.78 DC, He (1)
WD 1315+222 LP 378-956 16.7 31.8 6235 8.21 0.71 3.61 DCH, He (1)
WD 1346+121 LP 498-66 17.8 28.3 4150 7.88 0.50 6.58 DCH, He (1)
WD 1425+495 CSO 649 16.7 33.9 6895 8.41 0.85 3.77 DC, (2, H assumed)
WD 1427−238 LP 857-45 17.4 32.6 4866 7.90 0.52 5.40 DC, (2, H assumed)
WD 1434+437 LP 221-217 17.2 27.2 4685 7.93 0.54 6.30 DC, H–He (1)
WD 1533+469 LP 176-60 17.8 30.8 4310 7.83 0.48 6.45 DC?, H (1)
WD 1601-073 LP 684-16 17.9 26.9 4920 8.55 0.94 9.83 DCH, (2, H assumed)
WD 1612+092 LSPM J1614+0906 17.2 27.9 4775 7.90 0.52 5.57 DC, H (1)
WD 1702−016 LP 626-29 17.3 28.3 4700 7.94 0.54 6.50 DC, (2, H assumed)
WD 1737+798 LP 24-66 16.9 26.8 5535 8.28 0.75 5.72 DC, He (1)
WD 1746+450 GD 366 15.5 29.9 9331 8.47 0.90 1.72 DC, (2, H assumed)
WD 1800+508 LP 139-38 17.4 31.0 4635 7.85 0.48 5.12 DC, He–H (1)
WD 1853+775 LP 25-7 17.0 30.5 4850 7.74 0.43 3.63 DCH, He (1)
WD 2058+550 LSR J2059+5517 17.1 22.7 4415 7.93 0.53 7.15 DC, H–He (1)
WD 2109−295 EC 21096-2934 15.1 32.8 9260 7.98 0.57 0.78 DC, He–H (3)
WD 2152−280 LP930-61 16.3 23.5 5220 7.85 0.48 3.68 DC, He (1)
WD 2211+372 LP 287-35 16.8 29.2 6345 8.47 0.88 4.56 DC?H, He (1)
WD 2215+368 LP 287-39 16.8 20.3 4485 7.92 0.53 6.80 DC, H (1)
WD 2311−068 G 157-34 15.3 25.9 7360 7.97 0.56 1.31 DC, He (1)

Notes. Star names in boldface identify WDs in which fields were discovered during the observations reported in this paper (see Table 3). References. 1: Blouin et al. (2019); 2: Gentile Fusillo et al. (2021); 3: Bergeron et al. (2021). Where not found in these references, ages have been interpolated using the tables from Bédard et al. (2020).

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