Open Access

Table 6.

Fitted radio scale heights per galaxy. One- and two-component model are listed separately.

Band Two-component
Disk Halo N Overall N
[kpc] [kpc] [kpc]
NGC 891

L-band 0 1.09±0.16 6
HBA 0.76±0.25 2.9±0.5 4 1.76±0.09 2

NGC 3432

L-band 0 0.86±0.21 6
HBA 0 0.7±0.4 6

NGC 4013

L-band 0 0.60±0.08 6
HBA 0 0.75±0.14 6

NGC 4157

L-band 0.7±0.4 1.2±0.2 1 1.16±0.19 5
HBA 1.05±0.16 7±3 2 2.2±0.6 4

NGC 4631

L-band 0.50±0.08 2.1±0.3 3 1.7±0.5 3
HBA 1.45±0.01 4.9±0.4 2 2.8±0.6 4

Notes. For the two-component models, we distinguish disk and halo scale heights. The Number of stripes (N) that have been fitted with each model is also indicated. If only one stripe has been fitted with a certain model, the uncertainty of the scale heights is computed within χ2-minimisation. If multiple stripes have been been fitted with a model, the uncertainty is computed via the standard deviation of the sample.

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