Open Access

Table 2.

Basic information about the galaxies from EVLA C-Array observations.

Galaxy Observing date Integration time Flux cal. Phase cal. SB ID
[M-D-Y] [M:S]
NGC 891 02-11-2012, 04-01-2012 46:40 3C48 J0314+4314 8237609, 8182311
NGC 3432 03-25-2012 43:20 3C286 J1006+3454 8256114
NGC 4013 03-31-2012 44:00 3C286 J1219+4829 8318174
NGC 4157 03-31-2012 41:00 3C286 J1219+4829 8318174
NGC 4631 02-04-2012 77:00 3C286 J1221+2813 8312467

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