Open Access

Table B.1.

Parameters from box integration model fitting: galaxy name, frequency of fitted data, model identifier, strip identifier, intensity and scale height of the first exponential component, intensity and scale height of the second exponential component (if applicable), offset in the z direction (if applicable), reduced χ-square.

Galaxy ν Model ID w0 z0 w1 z1 Z0
[MHz] [μ Jy Beam–1] [kpc] [μ Jy Beam–1] [kpc] [kpc]
N 3432 1500 one_fo LR 0.32±0.04 1.16±0.09 - - - 3.72
N 3432 144 one_fo LR 7.5±2.3 0.28±0.07 - - - 2.41
N 3432 1500 one UR 2.20±0.20 0.45±0.03 - - 0.54±0.07 4.27
N 3432 144 one UR 31±21 0.13±0.09 - - 0.72±0.06 1.39
N 3432 1500 one_fo LM 4.68±0.27 0.940±0.028 - - - 5.23
N 3432 144 one_fo LM 16.7±1.3 1.01±0.04 - - - 1.11
N 3432 1500 one_fo UM 4.43±0.21 0.789±0.019 - - - 10.07
N 3432 144 one_fo UM 16.7±1.2 0.87±0.03 - - - 2.26
N 3432 1500 one_fo LL 2.47±0.29 0.91±0.05 - - - 1.44
N 3432 144 one_fo LL 8.0±1.0 1.14±0.07 - - - 1.77
N 3432 1500 one_fo UL 1.55±0.16 0.91±0.05 - - - 1.97
N 3432 144 one_fo UL 6.2±0.8 1.03±0.07 - - - 1.50
N 4013 1500 one_fo LR 2.09±0.20 0.607±0.027 - - - 1.77
N 4013 144 one_fo LR 9.6±1.0 0.75±0.04 - - - 0.55
N 4013 1500 one_fo UR 2.32±0.22 0.73±0.04 - - - 0.83
N 4013 144 one_fo UR 12.4±1.4 0.69±0.04 - - - 0.12
N 4013 1500 one_fo LM 4.7±0.5 0.526±0.025 - - - 8.92
N 4013 144 one_fo LM 20.6±2.1 0.639±0.026 - - - 3.15
N 4013 1500 one_fo UM 9.4±0.9 0.476±0.018 - - - 0.97
N 4013 144 one_fo UM 33±3 0.614±0.023 - - - 0.30
N 4013 1500 one_fo LL 2.45±0.18 0.670±0.030 - - - 2.89
N 4013 144 one_fo LL 10.0±1.0 0.74±0.04 - - - 1.41
N 4013 1500 one_fo UL 3.41±0.22 0.578±0.020 - - - 1.11
N 4013 144 one_fo UL 8.8±0.8 1.05±0.05 - - - 5.63
N 4157 1500 one_fo LR 3.2±0.4 1.32±0.07 - - - 0.68
N 4157 144 one LR 15.7±2.3 1.25±0.07 - - 0.55±0.26 5.26
N 4157 1500 one_fo UR 3.7±0.6 0.96±0.06 - - - 0.17
N 4157 144 one_fo UR 6.9±1.2 2.31±0.19 - - - 6.10
N 4157 1500 one_fo LM 13.6±0.6 1.121±0.021 - - - 4.79
N 4157 144 two_fo LM 66±7 0.88±0.11 8.6±2.0 3.5±0.3 - 2.34
N 4157 1500 two_fo UM 8±7 0.7±0.4 9±8 1.25±0.20 - 0.65
N 4157 144 two UM 64±5 1.21±0.10 1.3±0.6 10±5 0.24±0.17 2.88
N 4157 1500 one_fo LL 2.6±0.4 0.96±0.08 - - - 0.03
N 4157 144 one_fo LL 5.0±0.8 2.63±0.19 - - - 4.17
N 4157 1500 one_fo UL 2.4±0.3 1.45±0.07 - - - 2.24
N 4157 144 one_fo UL 10.0±1.1 2.59±0.13 - - - 0.40
N 4631 1500 one_fo LR 6.8±0.4 1.053±0.029 - - - 1.11
N 4631 144 one_fo LR 19.4±1.1 1.89±0.05 - - - 0.74
N 4631 1500 two UR 10.5±2.8 0.52±0.16 0.89±0.22 2.6±0.3 -0.6±0.4 0.39
N 4631 144 two_fo UR 11.6±1.3 1.44±0.27 2.7±1.2 4.5±0.8 - 1.07
N 4631 1500 two LM 42±16 0.59±0.10 6.3±1.2 1.80±0.07 -0.7±0.4 1.88
N 4631 144 two_fo LM 37.0±2.9 1.46±0.12 3.0±1.0 5.3±0.7 - 5.03
N 4631 1500 two UM 45±10 0.39±0.11 5.0±0.6 2.01±0.05 -0.44±0.27 1.68
N 4631 144 one_fo UM 19.1±0.8 2.90±0.05 - - - 4.45
N 4631 1500 one_fo LL 2.00±0.14 1.93±0.06 - - - 1.12
N 4631 144 one_fo LL 8.6±0.5 2.84±0.07 - - - 0.86
N 4631 1500 one_fo UL 1.15±0.09 2.15±0.09 - - - 1.07
N 4631 144 one_fo UL 6.1±0.3 3.71±0.10 - - - 0.75
N 891 1500 one_fo LR 4.3±0.3 1.09±0.04 - - - 2.55
N 891 144 one_fo LR 15.2±1.0 1.85±0.04 - - - 4.02
N 891 1500 one_fo UR 4.5±0.3 1.35±0.04 - - - 3.50
N 891 144 two_fo UR 32±5 0.77±0.15 6.7±1.4 3.04±0.26 - 3.41
N 891 1500 one_fo LM 17.2±0.8 0.822±0.016 - - - 7.41
N 891 144 two LM 188±113 0.87±0.08 5.8±2.1 2.9±0.4 -1.0±0.7 1.01
N 891 1500 one_fo UM 16.9±0.6 1.176±0.014 - - - 5.88
N 891 144 two UM 111±18 1.05±0.10 6.6±2.3 3.6±0.5 -0.33±0.27 0.50
N 891 1500 one_fo LL 7.4±0.6 1.05±0.03 - - - 1.21
N 891 144 two_fo LL 43±22 0.37±0.21 13.9±1.6 2.18±0.08 - 1.22
N 891 1500 one_fo UL 6.9±0.6 1.07±0.04 - - - 1.05
N 891 144 one_fo UL 25.4±1.9 1.67±0.05 - - - 1.05

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