Open Access

Table 10.

Output parameters from SPINNAKER advection-model fitting.

Stripe zmax γ vc z0 β zc
[kpc] [km s–1] [kpc] [kpc]
NGC 891

LR 5.2 2.40 128 3.9 1.53 1.0 3.1
LM 5.2 2.16 152 2.4 1.73 0.2 3.4
LL 5.2 2.20 129 4.9 1.85 2.3 3.6
UR 6.0 2.32 167 5 1.79 1.1 2.2
UM 7.8 2.11 189 3.55 1.78 0.34 3.4
UL 6.0 2.27 137 5.0 1.85 2.0 3.6

NGC 3432

LM 3.9 2.13 240 3.0 2.10 < 0.9 1.5
UM 3.8 2.17 233 2.7 2.2 < 0.9 0.55

NGC 4013

LR 3.6 2.4 122 2.5 2.0 0.9 0.4
LM 2.9 2.30 100 1.1 1.6 < 1.4 1.7
LL 3.6 2.25 180 2.1 2.0 < 1.4 1

NGC 4157

LM 7.2 2.21 177 4.7 1.72 0.4 1.7
LL 6.0 2.39 128 8.2 2.21 4.7 0.5
UM 7.1 2.26 226 5.3 2.05 0.6 2.81
UL 4.7 2.34 164 13.0 2.66 7.0 2.9

NGC 4631

LR 6.0 2.2 95 7.3 1.80 3.1 0.58
LM 5.3 2.1 95 3.1 1.20 < 0.72 1.0
LL 6.0 2.3 150 13 2.80 4.9 0.33
UR 7.9 2.45 115 4.7 1.30 < 0.72 1.9
UM 10.5 2.20 145 3.7 1.25 < 0.72 3.0
UL 10.1 2.45 125 9.4 1.25 0.5 0.5

Notes. The maximal height of the fitting region, zmax; power law index of the CR injection spectrum, γ; wind speed at the critical point, vc; scale height of the flux tube, z0; power law index of the flux tube, β; height of the critical point, zc; reduced chi square of the best-fitting model, , computed as the quadratic mean of the two intensity profiles and the SPIX profile.

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