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Fig. 3


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Dynamical maps in the plane (a, e), where each initial condition is integrated for 600 yr and the colour scale corresponds to the ∆e indicator. Solid black lines denote the width of the most prominent N/1 MMR and the dashed vertical lines indicate their nominal location, both calculated using Gallardo et al. (2021). For each of these maps, the binary has q = 0.2 (top frames) and q = 1 (bottom frames), and eB = 0.05 (left frames), eB = 0.3 (centre frames), and eB = 0.5 (right frames). The grey shaded area denotes the stability limit (the blue dot-dashed line being the reference value) calculated by Holman & Wiegert (1999), with its critical eccentricity approximated by Quarles et al. (2018). The solid magenta lines denote the approximation of the ‘capture’ mean eccentricity (Zoppetti et al. 2019). The light-blue dotted line denotes the simulated (a, e) evolution of a planet with m = 5 M and e = 0.01, setting τa = 105 yr and τe = 106 yr. The red solid line denotes the simple moving average of the planet trajectory, with a window of 20 points (dtw = 105 yr).

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