Fig. 7
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Mass-radius diagram for transiting planets with mass determinations with a precision better than 30% (parameters taken from the TEPcat database; Southworth 2011). The position of HD 20329b is shown by the red star, USP planets orbiting M-type stars (Teff ≤ 4000 K) are marked with the orange circles, USP planets around stars with Teff > 4000 K are represented by blue triangles, and non-USP planets around other types of stars are marked by gray squares. The lines in the massradius diagram represent the composition models of Zeng et al. (2016, 2019): planets with pure iron cores (100% Fe, brown line), Earth-like rocky compositions (32.5% Fe plus 67.5% MgSiO3, dashed green line), and a 99.9% Earthlike rocky core (32.5% Fe plus 67.5% MgSiO3) with a 0.1% H2 envelope with a temperature of 2000 K (dash-dotted pink line).
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