Table A.1.
Radial velocity data obtained at Apache Point and Haute-Provence observatories.
Date | RV |
(KJD) | km s−1 |
1569.823526 | -28.82 |
1591.832861 | -12.50 |
1611.826703 | -1.44 |
1648.831533 | 9.92 |
1704.641327 | -18.59 |
1711.645679 | -30.04 |
1737.619563 | -53.19 |
1766.572107 | -36.50 |
1958.878300 | -48.28 |
3090.825370 | 4.65 |
3189.617802 | -50.82 |
3195.587236 | -53.95 |
3203.595970 | -52.70 |
3216.717021 | -45.36 |
3217.631558 | -43.57 |
3219.657836 | -42.14 |
3416.917213 | -49.39 |
3444.847760 | -28.94 |
3445.534184⋆ | -27.26 |
3446.421966⋆ | -26.49 |
3542.669669 | 8.53 |
3557.755987 | 3.53 |
3559.754443 | 3.12 |
3568.344058⋆ | -2.24 |
3616.635254 | -54.58 |
3617.597411 | -54.06 |
Notes. Dates are mid-exposure times expressed in Kepler Julian dates (KJD). Kepler Julian dates KJD are related to barycentric Julian dates BJD by KJD = BJD − 2,454,833 days. The first spectrum was taken on April 20, 2013, and the last on November 28, 2018. Measurement errors are estimated to be 0.5 km s−1. Dates with an ⋆ sign are data taken at OHP.
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