Open Access

Table 4.

Orbital and astrophysical parameters of KIC 7955301 from the joint photodynamical light curve, RV, and ETV solutions, with and without the involvement of the stellar energy distribution and associated PARSEC isochrone fitting.

Orbital elements

Ba–Bb A–B Ba–Bb A–B
P [days]
a [R]
ω [deg]
i [deg]
τ [BJD − 2 400 000]
Ω [deg] 0.0 0.0
im [deg]
ωdyn [deg]
idyn [deg]
Ωdyn [deg]
iinv [deg]
Ωinv [deg]

Mass ratio [q = Msec/Mpri]
Kpri [km s−1]
Ksec [km s−1]
γ [km s−1]

Stellar parameters

Ba Bb A Ba Bb A

Relative quantities

Fractional radius [R/a]
Fractional flux [in Kepler-band]

Physical quantities

M [M]
R [R]
Teff [K] 4800
Lbol [L]

log g [dex]
log(age) [dex]
[M/H] [dex]
E(B − V) [mag]
Distance [pc]

Notes. Besides the usual observational system of reference-related angular orbital elements (ω, i, Ω), their counterparts in the system’s invariable plane related dynamical frame of reference are also given (ωdyn, idyn, Ωdyn). Moreover, im denotes the mutual inclination of the two orbital planes, while iinv and Ωinv give the position of the invariable plane with respect to the tangential plane of the sky (i.e., in the observational frame of reference). It is important to note that the instantaneous, osculating orbital elements are given for epoch t0 = 2454953.0000 (BJD).

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