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Fig. 9.


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Long-cadence Kepler light curve of KIC 7955301 together with the joint photodynamical model light curve solution. Upper left panel: complete Q0–Q17 light curve (blue) with the best-fit solution (red). This solution was obtained by neglecting the Doppler-boosting effect. The gray curve shows the same model after “switching on” the Doppler-boosting. While this effect, in theory, should have been observable with the accuracy of Kepler photometry, the reasons for neglecting it are discussed in the text. Upper right panel: one-month-long section of the Kepler observations overplotted with the photodynamical solution. The pale blue circles represent each individual observation but, for the analysis, only dark blue data (located within the phase environment of each eclipses) were considered. Lower panels show the residual data.

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