Fig. 6
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Comparison of the limb darkening at our, MARCS, and PHOENIX grids of stellar parameters in the Kepler passband. Top panels: limb darkening coefficients of the power-2 law as a function of stellar metallicity. The vertical dashed lines show the metallicity grid points of the MARCS and PHOENIX models (left and right panels, respectively). Bottom panels: ratios between the limb darkening curves produced from coefficients directly calculated on our fine metallicity grid and those produced from the same coefficients but selected on the MARCS and PHOENIX metallicity grid points, and linearly interpolated to our fine metallicity grid (left and right panels, respectively). Ratios corresponding to different metallicity values are indicated by different colors. Coefficients and the limb darkening ratios are presented for the fixed Teff = 5800 K and log g = 4.5.
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