Open Access

Table 2

Closest approaches of new binary systems.

StePPeD ID Gaia EDR3 ID Geometry Statistics [Myr] [km s−1] Mass estimate [M]
P5000 2479549701620909312
0.909 ± 0.203 7.18 ± 0.29 0.65
P5001 4569088021684763904
0.920 ± 1.791 60.32 ± 1.09 0.77 (a)
P5002 2182863462586498432
4.139 ± 0.590 -33.338 ± 0.039 9.946 ± 0.013 1.33
P5003 4470126821233210112
4.437 ± 0.885 17.15 ± 0.61 1.42

Notes. The first column shows the ID number in the StePPeD database, the second Gaia EDR3 identifiers for both components, the third presents the distance from the Sun to the centroid of VSs with its uncertainty (see text for detail description, Sect. 3.4), the next three columns present a statistical description of the minimal distance, time of the approach and the relative velocity, , for the set of all VSs. In the last column the mass estimate is included. Here and elsewhere, some extra significant digits are given for uniformity. (a)The mass of this component was assumed equal to the second component. This is a reliable assumption due to the comparable observed magnitudes of both stars.

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