Open Access

Table 5

Priors, median, and 68% credibility intervals of the posterior distributions for each fit parameter of the final joint model obtained for the HD 260655 system using juliet.

Parameter Prior HD 260655 b HD 260655 c
Stellar parameters
ρ* (g cm−1) N(7.5, 0.5)
Planet parameters
P (d) u(1, 10) 2.76953 ± 0.00003 5.70588 ± 0.00007
t0 (a) u(9490, 9500) 9497.9102 ± 0.0003 9490.3646 ± 0.0004
r1 u(0, 1)
r2 u(0, 1) 0.02586 ± 0.00046 0.0320 ± 0.0010
e B(1.52, 29.0)
ω (deg) u(−180, 180)
K (m s−1) u(0, 20) 1.69 ± 0.27 1.92 ± 0.30
Photometry parameters
σtess,S44 (ppm) J(1, 104) 106.9 ± 7.3
σtess,s45 (ppm) J(1, 104) 278.8 ± 4.0
σtess,S46 (ppm) J(1, 104) 172.2 ± 4.8
q1,TESS u(0, 1)
q2,TESS u(0, 1)
RV parameters
γCARM (m s−1) u(−100, 100)
σCARM (m s−1) J(0.1, 100) 1.13 ± 0.43
γHIRES (m s−1) u(−100, 100)
σhires (m s−1) J(0.1, 100) 3.05 ± 0.44
GP hyperparameters
σgp,tess (ppm) J(10−10, 10−2) 18±2
TGP,TESS (d) J(10−3, 103)
σgp,rv (m s−1) J(10−1, 30)
αgp,rv (10−6 d−2) J(10−8, 10−3)
Γgp,rv (d−2) J(10−2, 10)
Prot;GP,RV (d) N(37.5, 0.4)

Notes. (a)Dates are BJD–2450000. The prior labels of N, u, B, and J represent normal, uniform, beta, and Jeffrey’s distributions.

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