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Fig. 2.


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Quality of the NLFF solutions. From top to bottom for the individual ARs, we show: the volume-averaged current-weighted angle, ⟨θJ⟩, the ratio of nonsolenoidal-to-total magnetic energy, Ediv/E, the ratio |Emix|/EJ, s, and its resolution-invariant complement, ⟨|fd|⟩. Red, blue, and green colors correspond to bin1, bin2, and bin4 data, respectively, with inherent plate scales of ∼0.36, ∼0.72, and ∼1.4 Mm. Empty symbols mark disqualifying NLFF solutions (see Sect. 3.1 for explanation). The inlets in the rightmost column show a subrange of values for enhanced visibility. Vertical bars indicate the impulsive phase of X-class flares that occurred during the analyzed time intervals.

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