Fig. 12
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Albedo of different Martian structures compared to those of the full globe and of the observed terminator feature for 17 November using a 305 mm F/5 Newtonian and an ASI183 mm Pro Camera (credit CP). From top to bottom: Amazonis (red line), Valhalla (dark blue line), full globe (black line), Mare Cimmerium (green line), south polar cap (light blue line), and the studied detached layer (black line). These values are corrected from orbital parameters: solar phase angle of 27°, rotation angle 192°, orbital longitude (Ls) 316°. From left to right, the UV filter covers the range [3250–4000 Å], the blue filter [3780–4750 Å], the green filter [4780–6025 Å], the red filter [5870–7120 Å], and the IR filter [7250–10 000 Å]. Their normalised magnitudes for α = 0° are 0.87 (UV), −0.04 (B), -1.61 (G), −2.45 (R), and −3.09 (IR).
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