Fig. D.2.
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Formation of the arc-shaped magnetic field morphology in the Orion A cloud. The large light blue circle represents a bubble within the Orion-Eridanus superbubble, or the Orion-Eridanus superbubble itself (the blue star represents the progenitor(s)). The small dark blue cylinder illustrates the Orion A filamentary molecular cloud. The 3D magnetic configurations cannot be accurately represented in 2D and a more accurate representation of the field lines is shown in Fig. 4. Left panel: Straight B represents the direction of the initial magnetic field prior to interaction with the bubble or event, while the large-scale mild bending of the magnetic field morphology after interaction with the bubble or event is represented by the curved B. Right panel: Formation of the arc-shaped magnetic field morphology around the Orion A molecular cloud due to further interactions, possibly with the dust ring.
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