Open Access

Table 1.

Adopted properties of the pulsars with possible association with the three LHAASO sources (Cao et al. 2021a, and references therein).

Pulsar (source) Distance [kpc] Age [kyrs] Ls [erg s−1] uph [eV cm−3]
PSR J2229+6114 (J2226+6057) 0.8 10.0 2.2 × 1037 0.54 (0.16)
PSR J1826−1334 (J1825−1326) 3.1 21.4 2.8 × 1036 2.15 (0.41)
PSR J1826−1256 (J1825−1326) 1.6 14.4 3.6 × 1036 1.21 (0.28)
PSR 1907+0602 (J1908+0621) 2.4 19.5 2.8 × 1036 1.24 (0.28)
PSR 1907+0632 (J1908+0621) 3.4 11.3 5.3 × 1035 1.50 (0.32)

Notes. The pulsar names and associated LHAASO source (in brackets) are listed in the first column. Ls denotes the spin-down luminosity, and uph is the integrated IR and the integrated optical and UV (in parentheses) photon energy density from the radiation model of Popescu et al. (2017) at the inferred pulsars’ galactocentric radii and distances from the mid-plane. We distinguish the two contributions as photons with wavelength λ ≷ 700 nm, excluding CMB.

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