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Table 3

Original orbital elements of the preferred solution (a5) for C/2015 XY1, taken from the CODE database.

Epoch 1707 09 30
Perihelion date 2018 04 29.1664 ± 0.0019
Perihelion distance [au] 7.935467 ± 0.000009
Eccentricity 0.999757 ± 0.000006
Argument of perihelion [°] 196.23113 ± 0.00012
Ascending node [°] 281.55378 ± 0.00001
Inclination [°] 148.84193 ± 0.00002
Recip. semi-major axis [10−6 au−1] 30.57 ± 0.67

Notes. The angularelements are referred to the ecliptic of J2000.

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