Fig. 2.


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Context of the Solar Orbiter comet ATLAS encounter. Panels a–d: data from the MAG magnetometer, panel e: RPW plasma density measurements from the spacecraft potential, while panels f and g: RPW estimations (diamonds) of the flow speed (red) and number density flux (blue). In the same panels, measurements from SWA/PAS are shown as a solid line. Panel h: statistical counts of high-frequency waves and dust impacts from TDS. The last panel i displays the STEP ion flux; coloured contour refers to flux intensities in the range 103 − 108[cm2 s sr MeV]−1. Panel a–b: labels indicate HCS crossings localised by Laker et al. (2021) and the double-CME event (discussed by Telloni et al. 2021). The red asterisk in panel b identifies a magnetic field structure observed at the beginning of 4 June, associated with a full magnetic reversal, a local deceleration of the flow, large density modulations, and enhanced dust and energetic ion events.

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