Fig. 5.


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Example of using the ssc_measure software for the manual triangulation of campfire 12 (see Fig. 2). Panel a: part of the HRIEUV image taken on 30 May 2020 at 14:54:10 UT. The cross marks the central and the brightest pixel of the campfire. The other three panels show a part of the nearly simultaneous AIA 171 Å image with the epipolar line corresponding to the cross in panel a overplotted in white for the offsets of the CRVAL1 value of −1.2″ (b), −3.2″ (c), and −4.2″ (d). The offset of the CRVAL2 value is −16.7″. The counterpart of the HRIEUV pixel marked with the cross must be on the epipolar line in the AIA image.

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