Fig. 4.


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Overview of the erupting filament and corresponding CME from the STEREO-A point of view. The inner solar image is a composite of SDO/AIA and STEREO-A/EUVI 304 Å, with the east limb as viewed from Earth indicated by the dashed yellow arc. The location of the estimated PSP magnetic footpoint is marked by the yellow star. The bottom-right insert shows a closer view of the active region where the ‘bend’ in the bright structure at 99E 23S is the origin of the flare. The curved yellow arrow illustrates the extent of the filament eruption, primarily southward to 128E 56S (all locations are relative to the Earth central meridian at that time). The CME image is from LASCO and rotated to correspond to the STEREO-A point of view; the upper-left insert shows the CME as measured by STEREO-A/COR2 for comparison. The CME traveled largely in the plane of the sky as viewed by LASCO, thus projection effects are minimal on the derived velocity of ∼1700 km s−1. The figure was made with the help of the Jhelioviewer software tool (Müller et al. 2017).

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